Land - Land features (general)
Land - Large land features
Land - Smaller land features
Land - Landscape
Land - Soil
Land - Place names
Environment - Sky
Environment - Temperature
Environment - Wind
Environment - Weather
Water - Rains
Water - Water bodies
Water - Flowing water
Water - Moving water
Animals - Animals (general)
Animals - Mammals
Animals - Large birds
Animals - Snakes
Animals - Reptiles and amphibians
Animals - Birds
Animals - quaila
Animals - bird foods, e.g. eggs
Animals - Insects
Animals - Bees
Animals - Fish (general)
Animals - Rays
Animals - Sharks
Animals - Catfish
Animals - Mullets and Barracudas
Animals - Perch and Grunters
Animals - Longtoms and Garfish
Animals - Parrotfish and wrasses
Animals - Emperors and sweetlips
Animals - Rock cods
Animals - Batfish and Butterfish
Animals - Large fish
Animals - Herring and eels
Animals - fish-related
Animals - Crabs
Animals - Shellfish
Animals - Fish (parts)
Animals - Introduced animals
Animals - Calendar animals
Plants - Plants (general)
Plants - Plant parts
Plants - Trees and bushes
Plants - Mangroves
Plants - Palms
Plants - Eucalypts and wattles
Plants - Plant foods
Plants - Tubers
Plants - Dyes and fibres
Plants - Grasses
Plants - Small plants
Plants - Calendar plants
Plants - Poison plants
Plants - Introduced plants
Locations and directions - General (locations and directions)
Locations and directions - cardinal directions
Locations and directions - location and distance
Time - Times of day
Time - Times (other)
Descriptions - Amounts
Descriptions - Appearance
Descriptions - Size and weight
Descriptions - Distance
Descriptions - Shape
Descriptions - Arrangement
Descriptions - Properties of surface
Body parts - Head
Body parts - Organs and torso
Body parts - Limbs
Body parts - Other
Body parts - Hair
Body parts - Secretions and substances
Human body actions - Automatic actions
Human body actions - Sleep
Human body actions - Illness
Human body actions - Reproduction
Human body actions - Healing and fitness
Disease and illness - Illness and death
Disease and illness - Physical disability and injury
Disease and illness - Mental disability
Disease and illness - Sickness
Disease and illness - Medicine
Disease and illness - Discomfort and pain
Senses and perception - Cognitive senses and attention
Senses and perception - Colours and light
Senses and perception - Concealment
Human speech and sounds - Language
Human speech and sounds - Human voice sounds
Physical stance - Remain stationary
Physical stance - Change stance
Motion - General terms
Motion - Horizontal movements
Motion - Vertical motion
Motion - Walking
Motion - Travel by vehicle
Motion - Motion relating to water
Motion - Movement relating to fixed point
Motion - Movement relating to moving object
Motion - Movement in and out
Physical transfer - Transfer
Physical transfer - Manipulation
Physical transfer - Holding and sticking
Impact - General change of state
Impact - Strike or chop
Impact - Divide and cut
Impact - Pierce and shoot
Impact - Throw and trip
Impact - Pressing
Impact - Twist and bend
Impact - Weak impact
Activity - Activity: manner
Activity - Waiting and doing nothing
Activity - Hunting
Activity - Activity: general
Emotion - Sorrow and happiness
Emotion - Desire
Emotion - Hate and anger
Emotion - fear and surprise
Emotion - Anxiety and shame
Emotion - Judgement
Values - Goodness
Human groups - Peoples and clans
Human groups - Ages
Human groups - Initiation
Human groups - Females
Human groups - Mawng personal names
Human groups - Dreamtime names
Kinship - family
Social relations - Play and perform
Social relations - Fight
Social relations - Social responsibilities
Made objects - Tools (men's)
Made objects - Tools (women's)
Made objects - Clothing and magical items
Made objects - Shelter and camp
Made objects - Fishing items
Made objects - Introduced items
Cooking and fire - Cooking
Cooking and fire - Fire
Ritual and sorcery - Mourning
Ritual and sorcery - Song and dance
Ritual and sorcery - General ritual
Ritual and sorcery - Sorcery
Ritual and sorcery - Supernatural
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